Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hacker(?): Tigrita78

I found this jammer in the Township. 

Here is their profile.

~Scary elf bracelets
~Yellow short spiked collar (RARE)
~"Neon" bow (a sign of "rareness")
~Bone tail
~Original head feather (RARE)

It gets weirder when you look at their trade.

 ~Origanal head feather (RARE)
~Police chief hat (an item that I do not know much about)
~Mystical fairy wings
~Lion mane (not sure about this item's value)
 ~Yellow short spiked collar (RARE)
~Mystical fairy wings
~Police chief hat (an item that I do not know much about)
~(Possible promo) Princess thing
~Sweet wallpaper
~Bowl o' gems
~Penguin plushie (RARE)

Their den and jammer wall are locked, too.

Do you think Tigrita is a hacker???

Jam on!
(Did italics 'cause they're FANCY) sneezysneezysneezy :DDDDDDDD


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Scammers: Happyllamasmile (member) + Allyanimaljam (non member)

I saw someone in Jamaa Township saying this.
What irks me is that they had to say no scam.
I asked them why we couldn't trade. I don't have a picture of this, though.

I chased them around Township for a while, and they ignored me for a while. Eventually they said this.

(this happened too fast so I roleplayed it)

They ran off before I could say that AJHQ only disables trading & gifting at the same time. 

Then I found another scammer.

Their advertisement.

Their trade list.

Not much good stuff.

Report Happyllamasmile & Allyanimaljam for scamming.

Status: No one harmed

Status: Unknown

Jam on!

Monday, November 28, 2016


I saw this at Timbertiger's den.

~Shadow garden
~Ice garden
~First Phantoms! prize
~ Beta blue & orange mats
~Unreleased chair w/ ladybug
~Epic plushie (I think it's Beta, but I'm not sure)

Is Timbertiger a hacker?

Jam on!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Element Tribes Update 11/27/16 + Fashion Show Change

I decided to call the new roleplay The Element Tribes. Today was a big day for it! I made tons of new buddies and new groups have been found. Here are some updates!

1. Lolsmartlol
Lolsmartlol has been a very active roleplayer. They were in air, and as the leader, I took them to merge with the water. And then the Rain Tribe came. Tomorrow, they are going to name a new Rain Tribe leader and they will merge with earth to create plant.

2. The Lost Earth Tribe
There is a tradition that the Earth Tribe never merges. But the player acting as leader (called Flora) is getting chased down. They changed the tradition, and tomorrow at around 5:00 PM ET, a earth wolf will be merging with the rain leader Lolsmartlol to create plant and keep the tribe going.

3. ?????
A combination only known by 2 tribes has been found. They have found life. The leader of this is unofficial. READ MORE BELOW...

And I made some changes to the fashion contest...
1. It has been moved to 12/1/16 5:00 PM ET.
2. The winners in each category will compete in a final round, and the winner will become the Life Tribe leader. This does NOT count if...
1. You have shown hate on the blog.
2. You have been proven to have scammed.
3. You have been proven to have hacked.
4. You dislike nonmembers, and we KNOW that.
5. You have already applied for a different position.

Ok! And, I watched the movie Moana. It's really good and inspired me to make this roleplay.

I guess now bye. :P

Jam on!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Combining Ideas For Element Roleplay

Water + Fire =Steam
Earth + Fire =Lava
Water + Earth =Mud
Water + Air =Rain
Earth + Air =Dust

Once you get these things, you can combine them with other things. Here are some groups to try and make that you can create with the things above...


Go ahead!
You don't have to be a group leader to combine and start a new group!

Jam on!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Latest Roleplay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi! I know I do roleplays ALL THE TIME, but now I am releasing one that is so complicated that I couldn't simply explain it. It is an "elemental" roleplay. Here's the info.

You can be Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. The leaders of the groups are...
Air: Sneezy77
Earth: Unknown
Water: Unknown
Fire: Unknown
The roleplay takes place 24/7 in my den. Where each of the elements bases are...
Air: Top of the castle
Earth: Outside
Water: Main room of castle
Fire: Bottom room of castle
The groups battle each other. When a player fails, they join one of the spirit groups...
Mira: Is the "good" group, and heals good players.
Phantom: Tries to get rid of elements that do not side with them, and are, well, evil.
Siding with the Phantoms...
When your group sides with the Phantoms (a choice made by the leader), they become phantomized, which is basically becoming hypnotized by the phantoms. Normally the leaders are phantomized first so they cause the rest of the group to get phantomized.
Getting into a spirit group...
If a player is good, did things to help their group, and never got phantomized, they join Mira.
If a player is bad, was part of a bad group and helped them/betrayed their group, or got phantomized, they join Phantom.
About healing...
Miras can heal players so they can be part of an element longer, or de-phantomize them. De-phantomizing is very hard and may cause the Zios crack.
The Zios crack...
This happens when Miras de-phantomize wrong. It reverses things. Miras become Phantoms and vice versa, phantomized players become un-phantomized and vice versa, Air becomes Earth and vice versa, and Fire becomes Water and vice versa. The new Miras can reverse the Zios crack and restore things to normal, but the Miras DO turn back to Phantoms.
Creating new groups...
If players from different groups combine, they can combine their own groups. Ex. Rain, Mud, or Steam.
Ways to combine...
If players escape from phantomized groups, they can combine to create a new group and restore their old groups. Also, (this will be added to my den soon) if players from different groups step on the portals at the same time, they will automatically combine.

Comment below with this form to join.

Group OR, if you would like to start as spirit, Mira or Phantom:
Leader? What group?: (do not take one already chosen)
Planning to combine?:

Jam on!

(here is a picture I took in the element den)
(that's a picture from the spirit area)

Fashion Contest

Hi jammers! Fashion contest was the top choice on the poll, so I'm having one! We are splitting it into 3 categories to be fair: Non members, members, and non members with past membership. This is because many items are member that would be good, and non members wouldn't have those items. Then there is the category for non members with past membership because they would have more stuff than non members who had never had a membership.

If you want to join fill this out in the comments.

Do you want to join?
Side note (optional):

The fashion contest will be taking place at 5:00 ET on 11/27/16.

The N.M.R.S. will be giving out the prizes


Non members: Rare candy cane socks (which I have in the N.M.R.S. donation bank) OR nmembership (membership for N.M.R.S.)
Members: Nmembership
Non members with past membership: Nmembership

Jam on!
(Can't wait to hear from you)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Hi, jammers! I've noticed my views have been going down, and I wanted to see who's been reading it. Comment below with the days this week you have read AJΩ lately. The comment form should look like this.

*=MUST DO*************

*(Days this week you read the AJΩ lately)
(Side note)

Anyway, if you are reading this----

Jam on!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Phantom Badlands


 That's what jammers all over Jamaa saw today when they finished The Phantom Badlands. I knew this was going to happen due to conspiracy theories on the Animal Jam Whip and these paint splatters all over.

I believe that Peck was the one writing messages on the boards. She also said some interesting stuff...

I wonder if that had anything to do with the entrance to the 2D adventure base was sealed. Maybe the Phantom Fortress is there!

Now, who wants to hear some MORE conspiracy theories? Here you go!

1. Peck's Heartstone

I saw this on a Julian2 video. (Hey, the video was titled infinite membership glitch, how could I say no?) And I fully agree with him. He thinks Peck's heartstone is in her earring. This is probably true because on new images of Peck, like on the Haunted Peck Portrait and Painter's Easel, her earring is gone.


In the Chamber of Knowledge, I saw Alpha Staffs like Liza's.

Note there are only 5, and not 6. Now let me check my Official Guide to Animal Jam...

Here is the guide to Alpha stone colors! And where they are!

Liza: Purple PICTURED In Alpha staff
Sir Gilbert: Red PICTURED In tiny ring around toe
Cosmo: Green PICTURED Unknown
Graham: Yellow (probably the white one) In X-shaped vest thing
Greely: Blue (probably the black one) In band around paw
Peck: Pink NOT PICTURED Unknown, probably in earring

YOU SEE?????

And, I have one more thing about the prize I got.

We have never seen a statue or picture of Mira that looks normal-ish before. This means we now know what Mira looks like, more or less! I take it as a token of bravery in Jamaa!

And, to top it off, a (very creepy) picture of Mira in the forgotten temple thing!
(please note that it's broken, it wasn't originally like this)

Jam on!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Scammer: Moonwatcherhi (member)

Today in Jamaa Township I saw a jammer named Moonwatcherhi who was saying this: READ MY JAMMER WALL!!! YOU WILL BE SURPRISED!!!!!! So, I read their jammer wall. Oh, sorry, should I have said scammer wall?

Here is is if you had trouble reading that.

I'm doing a special offer (code for SCAM) that if you give me spikes, you could be in videos. Here is what you could get.
Diamond short spiked collar: 1 video
Diamond long spiked collar: 4 videos
A rare short: 10 videos
A rare long: 20 videos
If you gift me 2+ diamond shop collars: 20 videos
2+ rares: Infinity
Non members can do it too, if they give me the spikes for my necklaces.
No studded collars, and no new spikes.

Moonwatcherhi is guilty of doing Jam-A-Scam: Asking people to gift.
Moonwatcherhi is guilty of trust trading: Putting a bad item on trade and asking people to trade good stuff for it.
There is also no proof that they have a screen recorder. If they do, there is no proof they have a Youtube account OR blog or ANY PLACE to put videos on. If they do, there is no proof they are popular. If they are, they still are guilty of trust trading and Jam-A-Scam.

Report Moonwatcherhi for scamming.

Jam on!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Here was today's update! Pretty nice, in my opinion. I guess.

 They still look like the Alice In Wonderland dodos.

Nice! But too bad my storage is full. They will have REALLY good items. Can everyone just recommend to AJHQ 750 item storage space?

 A new den, which I got, (and got my art insulted in) and some cute pet llamas. 

 It's acting like they're really nice, but in my opinion they look sort of weird.

 The royal outfit looks good, (but not on that horse O.o) and the drawing video looks good too.

Whatever that is, it will give me nightmares. That animal is so demonic...

Jam on!

P.S. But seriously, AJHQ? "Sketch Jam"? 8U

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Should Be On Animal Jam

  1. Non member rights
  2. Non member rights
  3. Non member rights
  4. Bulls
  5. Pet moles (or voles)
  6. Building blocks den (I have a design for this that will be on the N.M.R.S. blog soon!)
  7. 750 items (furniture)(you should be able to get 750 furniture items)
  8. More protection against scammers
  9. A place to say what items are worth so jammers can view it and not get scammed
  10. A new land!!!!!! (maybe one whose "element theme" is fire, like a volcano or something)
  11. A way to get from Jamaa-to-den without having to click on the world map
  12. A way to choose what computers your account's accessible on to decrease the likelihood of getting hacked

Any more ideas, anyone?

Jam on!

The Invisible Glitch.... Brought To Life With Tic-Tac-Toe!

Hey, jammers! Today I found how to turn yourself invisible! Here's how.

1. Invite someone to play a game. (I did tic-tac-toe, but it might work with others)
2. While it has the "waiting for the other player" screen, rush to a different land using a bridge or something.
3.When you are in the other land, move to the side of the bridge so you can "see" your animal.
4. Too bad, you can't see it, 'cause it's invisible.
 I did it starting in LTOZ, and I moved to Jamaa Township. When you go back to the land you started in, you can see your animal again, but go back to the second and it will vanish.

Happy glitching!

Jam on!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Back when I played Amazing World, me and Funralsin invented a game called Cookietopia.

Basically you are a cookie, who is living in a place called Cookietopia. Here is how the cookies are created.

When a cookie is registered to join a game, they get cut. (shaped with a cookie cutter)
This determines their type, color, toppings, shape, personality, and pretty much their whole life.
The cookie then begins to roleplay!

Some sample ideas.

Sprinkles: Rainbow, chocolate, Oreo crumble, sugar crystal.
Icing: Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, flavorless white, flavorless colored.
Type: Oreo, choco chip, gingerbread, sugar cookie.

Below is a chart for you to fill out if you want to join CookietopiaAJ. My answers are in parentheses.

Sprinkles/Topping: (Sugar dusting)
Icing: (thin black lines here and there)
Type: (gingerbread)
Rank: (queen)
Personality: (smart, brave, loyal)

I hope you join!

We miss you, Fun

Jam on!

Steven The Koala #1

Hi, people! You may have read plushie comic series. Well, I'm starting my own!

 It's time for school. I would like school if one thing was missing: Sherie.

My dad doesn't talk much. Same with today. He just drops me off at school and goes to work.

 A bad start to the day. I run into Sherie and Robert as soon as I walk in. They're part of the "popular kids" group. 

 I like it when we get to class, because Sherie can't be mean with Mrs. Porphin around. I sit next to my best friend, Aidan, who sits next to another friend of mine, Thomas, who sits next to another friend, Andy.

 At recess, I play with Aidan, Thomas, Andy, and our other two friends, (who are in a different class) Rose and Don.

 The popular kids are gossiping. (Sherie, Robert, Alicia, and Dave)

 Then they walk up and talk to us. Mean, of course. They say Don is a laughingstock, Rose is just a fluffy bunny, Thomas is fat, Andy is clumsy, Aidan is stupid, and I'm lazy and slow. 

 But little did they know...

The teachers were there! And what I find most shocking is...

 The principle, Mr. Redsnow, was with them!

 He had a little talk with the popular kids, and told Sherie to come into the office.

 I peeked in through the window. She's in BIG trouble. Then I went back to play with my friends.

I found them playing in the fountain. I joined in, but for some reason I couldn't enjoy myself...

What happens next?

You decide!

Jam on!