
Beta in Animal Jam was in 2010. There have been many changes in lands/animals since then.

As you might be able to see, this is Crystal Sands from 2010. The waterslides are non-existant  in beta, but the juice hut stays here and basically looks the same. This area was believed to be Sir Gilbert's "land".

This picture was taken in later beta, (the phantom pit was there), but you can tell it was still in beta because the door that now leads to the Adventure Base Camp is sealed. This area was believed to be Graham's "land".

This is beta Jamaa Township. You can tell this was early beta because the medical center is here instead of the Sol Arcade, and the pillow room is in the location of Sol Arcade (the position of the buildings now is Sol Arcade on the top, pillow room on the bottom.). The diamond shop is not here, there is a beautiful gong where the bulletin  board now is, and you can see the beta game symbol  at the beta only game, River Race (snowyclaw has an arcade game of River Race in their den, I recommend you go there to play it.).

This is beta Sarepia Forest (or Sarepia, as they called it then). I am pretty sure this is later beta, as the movie theater is here and I do not believe it was in earlier beta, though if I am wrong please comment on this matter. There are a few differences I do notice: The mushrooms look different, the slide has sharper turns now, the hedge shop is not in beta, and the flag shop is boarded up here, it was probably a work-in-progress like the adventure base camp.

This is a picture of  a bunny playing in beta Sarepia, as it is labelled in the  top right corner.

These are the old icons in the corners, the icons are out of order in the top one. Also in that picture the party icon is not there, the jammer wall icon is not there, and the journey book (at least I THINK it's the journey book) icon looks different. Also there is a weird symbol of  a pick ax and a shovel crossed, which could be a odd feature today's jammers don't know about. Also (this feature lasted a while), the achievements are in the corner instead of being in your change-your-look feature.

 These are pictures of the old alphas and their animals. (I would have Cosmo, Sir Gilbert, and Graham but the links didn't work :(.)

These picture were at the top of 2 pages in beta. The top one has what I believe to be Appondale in beta with Cosmo and a koala (Cosmo looked CREEPY in beta), and the bottom one has  Crystal  Sands in beta with Peck and a rabbit. They both have the beta Animal Jam logo on the left. Are there any beta AJ players reading this that can confirm if this is beta Appondale or not?

This is beta Jam-Mart clothing. Whoever took this picture had 182 gems (gems were worth more in beta), and you can see a beta tiara in this picture. It is possible that the items were arranged from most expensive to least, because the prices are 350 gems, 350 gems, 350 gems, 350 gems, 250 gems, then 250 gems. Along with the beta tiara, a beta arctic hood is pictured. What we know as a horned helmet is pictured here, but in beta it was known as a Spartan  helmet.

These pictures are showing various pages on the site. The second one is glitched as only Liza and Sir Gilbert's eyes appear. In the forth picture you can see the real design of them for beta. As you can see in the majority of pictures, I used Google Wayback Machine to see what AJ looked like in beta. What to do is you go to Google Wayback Machine and search for and then choose a date to travel to. I recommend the earliest date in 2010 that is highlighted, since that is where I got all these pictures.

This was the den everyone started with in beta, and the only den there was. It was 3 floors and had a bridge, and was the largest den ever until the diamond shop was invented and Crystal Palace came out. This rabbit is the same as in Sarepia and is in many of these pictures. Be warned...

This is a group of jammers hanging out in crystal sands. The rabbit has returned... The game symbol is beta and Crashing Rowdymonkey is wearing beta-only wings. You can also see that the dancing wolf is named Jumping Spiritmate. Mate is no longer a choice for names. I saw people with mate in their name before I knew that.  I bet they had beta items :(.

This picture of Jamaa Township has THAT SAME OL RABBIT. The gong is pictured here and
 Jam-Mart clothing is in a waaaaaaaaay different spot.

Apparently this jammer  was popular for one reason or another in September (I think)  2010. Apparently AJHQ just COULDN'T put their username here! They had to put the animal name on that like at least 50 jammers have! Really helpful, AJHQ, reeeeeally helpful. Well, at least it's not that rabbit that takes 500 pictures to send to AJHQ to be some of the few things people remember on beta.

This is beta wind rider,  where there were branches. I think we can all agree phantoms looked WEIRD in beta, with their see-through eyes and all. Also, I thought wolves had eyes, not just the outlines of them XD.

This is the same gang as in the Crystal Sands picture (Baron Grossghost, Crashing Rowdymonkey, Bouncing Sillystone, Jumping Spiritmate, and that orange koala whose name I can't see).

Bouncing Sillystone, Baron Grossghost, and Jumping Spiritmate (who changed their look!) along with 3 other jammers are gathered around the monkey statue from beta (which might be Zios or Graham because LTOZ was his "land"). A beta game symbol is visible in the top right corner.

This is another picture of the gang (Crashing Rowdymonkey has come to join the fun and Jumping Spiritmate changed their look AGAIN). The monkey statue and beta game symbol are still visible.

This is the gang in a flipped Club Geoz, just dancin'.

This is the Chamber of Mysteries (now called Chamber of Secrets) with Jumping Spiritmate (who changed their look. Again.) and Darling Peachyflower who changed their look as well. You can see a beta game symbol and a strange-looking beta Cosmo statue.

This is an old ad for AJ. There is another weird looking phantom (this one DOESN'T have see-through eyes, oddly enough), and 1 koala, 1 wolf, 1 rabbit, 1 tiger, 1 pet frog, 1 pet honeybee, 3 monkeys, Greely, Liza, and Sir Gilbert. An AJ logo is also in the corner. If you look closely at the red monkey, you can see it is holding the mouse that appears in the LTOZ, which is also where the picture takes place. One more thing: The code doesn't work, don't try it.

                                                                             Jam on!

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