Thursday, December 22, 2016


The advent calendar gift.

The message in a bottle.

The picture shows that the pictures likely on an island. Could that island be... our new land? Come on, AJHQ, there's an update tomorrow, Clark Stacey PROMISED we'd get a new land in 2016. If you don't have it, then say GOOD BYE to my membership money.
I'm not sure if that last sentence was really true.

And I have two gifts!

1. The Sketchers

I will be starting a scam-watching group! It is called the Sketchers because that's actually a word and it sort of combines scam and catchers. I need everyone to find all the posts where I reported a scammer. You can find them:

1. (Maybe) At the end of some old posts
2. On posts made just for scammers
3. As my holiday gifts

As soon as it opens, the Sketchers blog will be hiring.

2. Investigating Ului1

I made a post about this possibly hacking old account. I thought they would never come back. BUT...

I followed them, and they were in a den. I couldn't click on the user of the den's owner. I searched it up...

And, what's worse is, Ului1 has a portal to their den. And a den I had seen before that was featured on my epic dens list. The facts from my older post, the hanging out in the banned den, and possibly spying (they were playing marbles for way longer than it should have taken) all point to one thing. Ului1 is part of a band of hackers.

If you're interested for any reason, here are the dens the portals go to.

Look at that alternate color unreleased milk and cookies plate!

What's more is, one of the dens has THIS.

You're thinking, oh, that's just a regular phantom crate. Explore the dens and find the crate and you'll see what makes it so odd.

All for today, jammers!

Jam on!



  1. Thats strange I got a bow and arrow as todays gift

    1. I haven't made today's post yet.
      (Maybe it was the time zones---that post was made on the 21st)


Here are the rules for commenting. If you do not follow them your comment will be deleted.
1. No swearing.
2. No bad words.
3. No impersonating anonymous jammers
4. Make sure the comment is related to the subject of the post.
5. No spamming
6. No asking for free items unless the subject of the post is a giveaway and the item you are asking for is an item being given away. Sorry if that was a tongue twister. >.<
7. No threatening.
Follow these rules and jam on!